Dr. Jessica Pérez is a visiting research associate at the Institute of Education. She holds a BMus in guitar from the Higher Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona, Spain, a Bachelors of Music Education with First Class Honours from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and a Masters in Musicology from the same university. Jessica has recently completed her doctorate in Music Didactics at the UAB. Her PhD research studies how music takes place in the daily lives of thirteen two-year-olds in school setting. She is involved in the "Myplace:Mymusic" project, a collaborative research project to explore the home musical activities of seven-year-olds in internationally diverse locations, coordinated by Dr. Susan Young (University of Exeter). Jessica has presented the progress of her studies in different International Conferences and has also published in international peer-reviewed journals. Previously she lectured in the Department of Musical, Plastical and Corporal Expression Didactics at the UAB and was a visiting researcher at University of Exeter (funded from an award from the Ministry of Education, Spanish Government). From 2007 she works for the Department of Education of the Catalan Government training teachers in the summer courses. Jessica has wide experience assessing centres for under three-year-olds.
special interests...
Early childhood music education, informal music education, play, the role of multimodality in teaching and learning processes, neuropsicology related to ECME, research methods
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