Dr Tiija Rinta is a Research Officer working on the EU-funded UMSIC project (Usability of Music for the Social Inclusion of Children) and also Sing Up project (the UK Government's National Singing Programme for Primary-aged children in England). Previously, she has worked for the Institute of Education, Open University and local councils in London on several research projects concerned with music, social science and education. Tiija completed her doctoral thesis in 2008 at the Institute. The thesis investigated the connections between children's singing and speaking behaviours, specifically in relation to how singing could potentially be used as a tool in speech and language therapy with pre-pubertal children. Her doctoral research work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Voice and the British Journal of Music Education, and as book chapters; and it has been presented in international conferences. Tiija's main research interest is the beneficial use of music for different human behaviours. In addition to her research, Tiija has trained teachers for several non-governmental organizations and conducted music therapy workshops
in different countries.
special interests...
Therapeutic use of music; children's vocal development; and connections between music, psychology and education.
contact details...
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: +44(0)20 76126740, fax: +44(0)20 76126741