Jennie’s professional career has involved teaching music in many different contexts, including in school, out of school and adult community settings. She has directed youth and adult choirs and ensembles, directed a music centre, and taught flute across all age ranges. She has worked as a professional development mentor for instrumental teachers, developed continuing professional development courses, evaluated various projects including a Music Partnership Project and the Trinity/OU professional development programme for key stage 2 teachers. She has also provided consultancy for different organisations including Sing Up and Cambridge International Examinations, developing curricula and teaching guides within the UK, Europe and beyond.
Her research interests surround the development of musicianship in adulthood, including music in criminal justice and the musical development of Primary generalist teachers. She has an interest in the intersections between Music Education and Community Music, and in developing methodologies for practitioner research and practice as research within both areas. She joined the UCL Institute of Education in 2011, where she was MA Music Education Programme Leader and Primary Music Subject Leader, joining the Royal College of Music in 2015, and the Royal Northern College of Music in 2019.
special interests...
Social environment of musical learning, the creation and development of musical identities and the practical application of activity theory in music education.
contact details...
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